Computers have many accessories that are either bought with the computer or bought from different vendors. Such accessories include the widely used keyboard, the mouse, storage devices such as the floppy disk driver, CD-ROM driver, printer, fax machine, and any other hardware that could be connected to the computer including the monitor of course.
Maybe at the time of the purchase of the computer, little attention was paid on the importance of having quality accessories, so long as the computer itself was said to be of good quality and able to serve your needs affectively.
After using your computer for sometime, you have come to realize that some of your accessories are not working properly. You have a mouse that can't move the cursor as it use to be. Some of the keyboard keys are not able to move up and down and at the same time others do not actually relay the characters they are supposed to the CPU (for example pressing W leads to display of H or any other character).
When such extremes have been reached, it is realistic to replace the accessories that have problems. Many a times, people who go to buy spare parts commit one grievous mistake by settling for even lower quality gadgets. It is therefore important to note that for better performance of your tasks using the computer, proper investment in these accessories would to a larger extent relieve you of the stress of budgeting for a new computer just yet.
One thing that should always be kept in mind when going for a computer part is the manufacturer. If a component of a computer is not working properly, probably after using it for a short period of time, it might just be because the manufacturer of the component solely deals in spare parts but not in the computer as a whole. Most spare parts manufactures would make low quality gadgets in order to increase their sales volume (the principle here is that a gadget the breaks easily would be replaced at a faster rate). Such parts would be wise if not purchased.
Types of Computer Accessories: