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I visit this site on a regular basis, especially during summer. My son is weak in long division, so I use the Math Worksheet Site during the summer to keep him fresh on the steps for long division. You can generate worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, measurements, telling time, and graphing with or without answer sheets. You can also print out a one hundred chart. This is a great math site for all elementary math.

2) Video Placement Worldwide - Free videos on many different subjects:

I have found many gems in the ever changing Video Placement Worldwide library of free videos. You do need to register and they ask that you share the video with at least 25 students, so when we are done using the videos for our home school we place the video in our home school groups library. Our group consists of over 50 families so the movies are put to good use. VPW is slow to ship and many videos are limited supplies so be sure to order early and check their database often.

3) The Home School Mom - Free printable unit studies:

The home school mom has a huge list of free unit studies. The studies are organized by alphabet, so it may take some time if your looking for a unit study for a particular subject rather than topic. The list is added to regular and I rarely find any dead links. The home school mom also has lists of many other free home school supplies.

4) New Free Downloads - Free educational software:

Software is expensive and is not returnable so New Free Downloads is one of my favorite stops when looking for free home school supplies. New Free Downloads has loads of great freeware programs. Check out the home school and the home and education categories. My favorite software from NFD is English Language Desktop Edition. The english desktop is a complete grammar and writing reference. There are some great downloads for learning music theory, typing, cooking, and timetables. The software that I have downloaded has been free from bugs and has never caused any computer issues.

There are somethings that every household should stock up on, and these are things that have multipurposes and are fairly cheap. Buy a few bags or items of these supplies, and you will find that you are grateful to have them on hand. They help in small household emergencies and everyday activities, and when you are without them, you know how much you need them. Household supplies you need to stock up on.


Stock up on balloons. Balloons can be use to decorate your home, for birthday parties, for summer water ballon fights, to make chocolate cups and for all types of outdoor and indoor celebrations. You can find bags of balloons at the dollar store, be sure to buy a variety to be used for all occasions.

Safety Pins:

Stock up on safety pins. You will need them take in a pair of pants, hem a shirt or skirt. They are also good for hanging up laundry on a clothes line, sewing and taking up curtains and other quick uses.

Rubber Bands:

Stock up on rubber bands. Rubber bands are perfect for keeping together index and recipe cards, small household items and can be used as a ponytail holder. You can buy bags of rubber bands for $1.00 a piece, but make sure they are the assorted variety. You want small to big rubber bands to choose from.

Baking Soda:

Stock up on baking soda. These handy little boxes are good for helping stem unpleasant odors, for cleaning around the house, and for cooking. Baking soda does not cost that much, but you will find yourself using it every week.


Stock up on tape. Tape is the all purposeful. You will need it for a quick fix, for holidays and for hemming a dress. Buy different kind of tape, you never know which kind will come in handy. If you buy tape around the holidays, you can find it on sale more. Keep at least a dozen handy for you household needs.

Air Freshners:

Stock up on air freshners. Every household needs air freshener as a quick fix for indoor odors. A variety of scents is your best bet. $1.00 a bottle is not an uncommon price for air freshners especially if you buy them at the dollar store. Also, you can spray some outside for family picnics or when you are having guests to keep away bugs and insects.

Home Supplies